It is available in Chinese, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese and many other languages. It doesn't need any installation which makes it very easy to use. You can play the record at the same speed or faster than it as recorded. You can play the record in loop as many times as needed.

You can load a previously saved record from disk. You can save the record to disk in a file for later use. You can record your keyboard keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks. Keyboard And Mouse Recorder allows you to record and replay keyboard keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks. Keyboard And Mouse Recorder works simply by pressing the. The good thing though is that it takes no installation as you can open and use it as soon as it's downloaded.

You want to record your keyboard keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks? You want to save them and to replay them whenever you want? As much as you want? In loop? You need to test the endurance of the graphical interface of an application? You have repetitive tasks to accomplish with your keyboard and your mouse? In a game? In a painting application? In a word processor? In the Finder? In any other application? Then Keyboard And Mouse Recorder is what you need. Keyboard And Mouse Recorder works via a small application window (which is a bit too small for regular use) and with a design which you normally find in Mac Classic applications.